Plays November 2nd and 3rd
Directed by Charles Chaplin
USA, 1928; 72 mins, in English Rated G






Presented on 35mm

Wrongfully accused of criminal acts, a tramp (Charlie Chaplin) unwittingly ducks into a big top, where his bumbling attempts to avoid pursuing police officers earn the laughter and applause of the circus-goers. Impressed, the ringmaster (Allan Garcia) decides to employ the tramp as an entertainer. In between getting trapped in a lion’s cage and partaking in clumsy high wire escapades, he falls for a beautiful show rider (Merna Kennedy), who unfortunately has eyes for a daring tightrope acrobat.

Showtimes & Tickets

Coming soon: Plays 11/2 at 11am & 11/3 at 11:30am

Kids and Families Matinees