All Donations Gratefully Accepted
Consider making a recurring donation to spread your support for Sag Harbor Cinema across the whole year!
For endowment and planned giving opportunities, contact [email protected]
Donate online, become a member, send a check!
Your donation is tax deductible.
Our EIN # is 61-1850154
Send a check to “Sag Harbor Cinema Arts Center”
Sag Harbor Cinema Arts Center
PO Box 152
Sag Harbor, NY 11963
With “Cinema Fund” in the memo field
Available Naming Opportunities

Physical Spaces
Main Floor Gallery
The much-trafficked Main Floor Gallery, or “Poster Gallery,” is the central conduit form our Café to the main screening rooms.
$150,000 renewable annually
The elevator is the only one of our named spaces that serves more than a single floor!
Theater 3 Seat
The seats in our Screening Room are yours for the naming.
23 Seats available @ $10,000
Theater 2 Seat
The seats in our 100-seat Theater 2, our repertory theater featuring 16mm, 35mm, and digital formats.
15 Seats available @ $5,000 ea
The Green Room Seats
Sidle on up to the bar in your very own lounge seat or stool.
4 seats left at $25,000
Please contact us if you have interest in sponsoring these important components of the Sag Harbor Cinema’s future